Mostrando postagens de maio, 2017
Totti si racconta 'che fatica lasciare, chiamatemi Francesco'
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Totti si racconta 'che fatica lasciare,chiamatemi Francesco' - "Che fatica lasciare, ma se ci reincontriamo, continuate a chiamarmi Francesco". A poche ore dalla fine della sua lunga carriera di calciatore con la maglia della Roma, Francesco Totti si racconta in un video. Dai primi calci al pallone ("e mio papà Enzo che continuava a dire che Riccardo era più forte") all'esordio in Serie A, dai padri putativi Mazzone e Zeman al trionfo Mondiale("dove sono arrivato per miracolo"), agli amici di una vita, Vito Scala, "un confidente leale che mi ha sempre dato dei consigli giusti e Daniele De Rossi, "un fratello": tutto in un lungo video sul profilo "draw my life" del club giallorosso , che si apre e chiude con due frasi che racchiudono l'essenza del fuoriclasse: "Sono Francesco e per molti sono il Capitano, per altri il 10, altri ancora mi chiamano il Cap, poi ci sono stati altri soprannomi, ci vorrebbe una v...
Italia-San Marino 8-0, tripletta Lapadula, gol Gian Marco Ferrari, Petagna, Caldara e Politano. Autogol di Bonini
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L'Italia sperimentale di Gian Piero Ventura ha battuto 8-0 San Marino in una amichevole giocata questa sera a Empoli. Le reti: 10' e 20' pt e 5' st Lapadula, 14' pt Ferrari, 16' pt Petagna, 3' st Caldara, 13' st Politano, 20' st aut. Bonini. ''Il risultato non conta perché l'avversario non era di grosso livello però era la prima partita di quelli dello stage. Ci sono state buone giocate, tutte di prima, con la ricerca sistematica di quelle cose che abbiamo provato nei pochi allenamenti. Lo spirito era quello giusto, come la disponibilità. Alle spalle di chi sta giocando ora in Nazionale c'è un gruppo di ragazzi che stanno lavorando e vogliono arrivare anche loro'': così., ai microfoni di RaiSport il ct dell'Italia Gian Piero Ventura commenta il successo della sua 'sperimentale' contro San Marino. ''Sicuramente qualcuno di quelli di stasera farà parte della nazionale - ha aggiunto - Non bisogna avere fr...
City chief slams talk of Aguero sale
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Manchester City chairman Khaldoon Al Mubarak insists reports that Sergio Aguero could be sold are ridiculous because the Argentine striker remains a key player for the Premier League club. Aguero lost his place in Pep Guardiola's starting line-up following the arrival of Brazilian starlet Gabriel Jesus in January. The 28-year-old, who has scored 122 league goals in 181 appearances since joining from Atletico Madrid in 2011, returned to the team following an injury to Jesus and finished the season as City's leading scorer. That has not stopped rumours about his future, with Chelsea, Manchester United and Real Madrid all linked with the star, but Khaldoon is adamant Aguero is too important to lose. "I've read a lot about the speculation on this and it is ridiculous," Khaldoon told City's website on Tuesday. "Sergio Aguero is one of the best players in the world and we are a team that aspires to win in every competition we compete in. "Havi...
Lukaku has Everton transfer promise - agent
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Romelu Lukaku's agent claims Everton have promised the Belgium striker he will be allowed to leave if certain clubs make a bid during the transfer window. Lukaku has refused to accept Everton's offer of a new contract which would make him the highest-paid player in the Premier League club's history. The 24-year-old has two years left on his current deal but has spoken about his desire to play in the Champions League, an ambition which Everton have so far been unable to fulfil. With Lukaku's former club Chelsea and Manchester United both linked with a move for the forward, his agent Mino Raiola has suggested Everton won't stand in his client's way if they get a suitable offer from any of several unnamed clubs. "Lukaku had a promise that if certain clubs came this summer that he could leave this summer," Raiola told talkSPORT on Wednesday. "We are not in concrete talks with anybody at this moment, but hearing the market I think some clubs...
Costa sólo dejaría el Chelsea por el Atlético
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El delantero hispanobrasileño Diego Costa reiteró en la noche del sábado que sólo dejaría el Chelsea para volver al Atlético de Madrid este verano, poniendo fin a las especulaciones sobre una eventual marcha a China. "Si el club quiere realmente venderme y hay una oferta de otro equipo, me quedo. Si llega una oferta del Atlético, la voy a pensar, está claro", dijo el atacante brasileño en zona mixta tras perder la final de la Copa de Inglaterra frente al Arsenal . "Mi futuro lo voy a elegir yo, no ellos. Para cambiar a otra ciudad y a otro país que no sea España no me voy", añadió Diego Costa . El delantero puso fin así a las especulaciones sobre un eventual fichaje por un equipo chino, que se dispararon cuando en enero surgieron algunas diferencias entre Costa y el entrenador del Chelsea, Antonio Conte . "Si el club realmente me quiere vender, sólo hay un equipo, lo dejé muy claro", sentenció Costa. Según la prensa española, el Atlético de Madr...
Isco o Bale, ¿el dilema de Zidane para Cardiff?
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El galés Gareth Bale es uno de los indiscutibles del Real Madrid, pero en el último tramo de la temporada la gran actuación de Francisco Alarcón 'Isco' ha podido suscitar dudas a Zinedine Zidane de cara a la final de Liga de Campeones. El técnico blanco deberá decidir el sábado en Cardiff frente a la Juventus si mantiene a Isco, el gran favorito de la afición blanca, o vuelve a reconstruir la famosa 'BBC' atacante con Karim Benzema, Cristiano Ronaldo y Bale. "Es normal que haya este debate (sobre esos dos jugadores) porque son los dos muy importantes, son muy buenos los dos, cada uno puede opinar, pero a mí no me va a condicionar, sabemos lo que queremos hacer", afirmó el martes Zidane, quien, varias veces afirmó que si Benzema, Cristiano y Bale están al 100% "la idea es que jueguen". El detalle de estar al 100% puede ser la clave de la elección de Zidane, después que Bale haya tenido una temporada irregular, lastrado por las lesiones. El pr...
Da Costa heuert in Frankfurt an
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Eintracht Frankfurt hat Außenverteidiger Danny Da Costa vom Ligarivalen Bayer Leverkusen verpflichtet. Der 23-Jährige unterzeichnete beim DFB-Pokalfinalisten einen Vertrag bis 2021. Zu den Ablösemodalitäten machten die Klubs keine Angaben. In der abgelaufenen Saison war der frühere Ingolstädter für die Werkself lediglich zu drei Einsätzen in der Bundesliga gekommen. "Danny ist für sein Alter ein sehr erfahrener Rechtsverteidiger, der bereits 103 Spiele in der 1. Bundesliga, der 2. Bundesliga, der Champions League und dem DFB-Pokal bestritten hat", sagte Frankfurts Sportdirektor Fredi Bobic. Der Außenverteider selbst äußerte sich höchst erfreut über die neue sportliche Zukunft: "Ich möchte mich bei allen Verantwortlichen bedanken, die diesen Transfer möglich gemacht haben. Ich werde alles geben, um ein fester Bestandteil der Eintracht zu werden. Trotz meines Urlaubs freue ich mich bereits jetzt auf das neue Team und den Start der Vorbereitung."
Zorc: Tuchel-Trennung kein Watzke-Alleingang
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Borussia Dortmunds Sportdirektor Michael Zorc sieht die Trennung von Trainer Thomas Tuchel nicht als direkte Folge des Disputs zwischen Tuchel und BVB-Geschäftsführer Hans-Joachim Watzke. "Mit dieser Mär möchte ich aufräumen. Die Trennung war das Resultat eines längeren Prozesses", sagte Zorc dem "kicker" am Mittwoch, einen Tag nach Tuchels Abschied beim BVB. Tuchels Entlassung sei auch keine alleinige Entscheidung Watzkes gewesen, so Zorc. "Wenn ich das auch mal sagen darf, um von dieser Personifizierung wegzukommen: Beim BVB gibt es im sportlichen Bereich keine Entscheidung, die nicht von mir getroffen und/oder inhaltlich komplett mitgetragen worden wäre. Deshalb ist es völlig falsch, von einem Alleingang von Aki Watzke zu sprechen", sagte der 54-Jährige weiter. Dabei hatte sich Zorc in der öffentlichen Diskussion eher im Hintergrund aufgehalten. Auch wegen der medialen Präsenz von Hans-Joachim Watzke entstand der Eindruck, der Geschäftsführe...
L1 - Caen : Intérêt pour Kenny Lala (Lens)
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Selon certaines indiscrétions, Kenny Lala, le latéral droit de Lens, pourrait intéresser Caen. En fin de contrat avec Lens, qui cherche à le faire prolonger, Kenny Lala (25 ans) pourrait notamment intéresser Caen. Alors que Frédéric Guilbert - qui était prêté ces derniers mois par Bordeaux - n'est pas sûr de rester, le Stade Malherbe ne semble pas insensible au profil de l'ancien latéral droit du PFC et de Valenciennes. En cas de départ du natif de Paris, les Sang et Or disposent par exemple d'une piste en L2.
Une cible de Bielsa s'envole !
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Il faudra s'armer de patience pour affirmer que Villarreal a réussi un très gros coup sur le Mercato. Toujours est-il que le sous-marin jaune vient d'officialiser le transfert d'Enes Ünal, jeune attaquant turc appartenant à Manchester City, pour cinq ans. Âgé de 20 ans, il a inscrit 19 buts en 33 matchs d'Eredivisie cette saison avec Twente, où il a été prêté. Aucun chiffre n'a filtré, mais selon certaines sources espagnoles, le montant de la transaction pourrait s'élever à 14 millions d'euros. Le joueur était notamment inscrit sur la short-list de Marcelo Bielsa pour renforcer le LOSC Cet été.
" Les lions ne guérissent pas comme les humains " : Zlatan signe son retour
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Zlatan Ibrahimovic va mieux. Merci pour lui. Gravement blessé aux ligaments du genou, en avril dernier, lors du quart de finale retour de Ligue Europa opposant Manchester United à Anderlecht, le géant suédois a été opéré avec succès dans un hôpital de Pittsburgh, aux Etats-Unis. Apparu avec une béquille lors de la finale européenne remportée par les siens, l'ex superstar du Paris Saint-Germain a accéléré sa reprise. Et l'a démontré sur son compte instagram, postant une vidéo le montrant, concentré, alternant les touches de balle et les petites foulées. Bien entendu, un message de « Zlatan » n'en serait pas véritablement un s'il n'était pas accompagné du punchline. Et ce mercredi, le buteur était encore très inspiré : « Le toucher ne disparaîtra jamais. Les lions ne guérissent pas comme des humains ».
PSG look to dethrone Lyon in women's Champions League final
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Two days before Real Madrid and Juventus clash in the Champions League final, the women's showpiece will be played in Cardiff on Thursday with holders Lyon taking on French rivals Paris Saint-Germain. The match, to be played at the Cardiff City Stadium, across the Welsh capital from the Principality Stadium where the men will lock horns, will feature a host of leading female players led by US superstar Alex Morgan. But there will be nothing like the same level of global interest, with the women's game as a whole still lacking anything like the same profile, even with much increased investment and interest in recent years. On the eve of the final, Lyon coach Gerard Precheur was left fuming after traffic jams meant his pre-game press conference was late in starting. "Would that have happened with the boys? I don't think so," he raged. "We had problems with the UEFA shuttle, which was an hour late. We waited 45 minutes in the hotel lobby when we have ...
1860-Investor Ismaik rechnet mit seinem Klub ab
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An ihm hängt die Zukunft des TSV 1860 München. Nach dem Abstieg in die dritte Liga spart Investor Hasan Ismaik nicht mit Kritik © DPA Hasan Ismaik (rechts) neben dem zurückgetretenen Geschäftsführer Ian Ayre Ende April in der Münchner Arena Investor Hasan Ismaik hat nach dem Abstieg des TSV 1860 München aus der Zweiten Fußball-Bundesliga ein verheerendes Urteil über den Zustand des Traditionsvereins gefällt. Zugleich wies der Jordanier am Mittwoch – wie üblich via Facebook – Mitschuld an dem „traurigen Kapitel“ Absturz in die 3. Liga von sich. „Das hat nichts mit meiner Person zu tun, sondern dieser Verein ist momentan geprägt von skrupellosen Machtkämpfen und internen Querelen, die es nun zu beseitigen gilt. Nur dann hat der TSV 1860 wieder eine Zukunft“, schrieb Ismaik an die „lieben Löwen“. „Wir wurden von Jahn Regensburg gedemütigt und an die Wand gespielt“, bemerkte Ismaik zum 0:2 in dem entscheidenden Relegations-Rückspiel. Alles, was am Dienstag passiert sei...
Manchester City’s second huge summer signing confirmed
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Man City to announce Ederson imminently After completing a deal for Bernardo Silva from Monaco last Friday, it looks like Manchester City are very close to announcing a second massive summer deal. Pep Guardiola is going all out to rebuild his Manchester City squad and talk of a quadruple cannot be ruled out with this summer spending spree. It has been known for a few days that Manchester City would be signing Ederson from Benfica, to fill their troublesome goalkeeper spot. Ederson: Manchester City’s new number one? The Brazilian goalkeeper has signed for Manchester City for 40 million euros. This has been confirmed by Portuguese newspaper A Bola on Wednesday evening. Ederson has signed a five-year deal with Manchester City until the 2022 season. The Brazilian custodian returned to Portugal on Wednesday night and said: “I’m very happy, the first impressions were very good,” said the 23-year-old. ...
Football: Bruno Alves joins Rangers with eyes on the title
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BRUNO Alves has set his sights on the Premiership crown after clinching a move to Rangers . The Portuguese has put pen-to-paper on a two-year deal after leaving Serie A side Cagliari to become the first arrival of the summer at Ibrox. Alves has joined countryman Pedro Caixinha in Glasgow and the capture of the former Porto, Zenit and Fenerbahce star is a significant boost for the Light Blues boss as he prepares for a frantic close season. Caixinha is attempting to overhaul his squad ahead of the Gers’ return to the Europa League and his first full campaign in the Premiership. Rangers finished a distant third in the top flight this term but Alves is determined to strive for success at the first attempt next time out. “I want to be champion again,” he said. “This is one of the best feelings I have in my career and the last time I was champion at a club was with Fenerbahce. I want to have this feeling again. I think I have come here for the r...
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Barcelona have reportedly been handed a major boost in their pursuit to sign Riyad Mahrez from Leicester City in the summer. Spanish publication Don Balon have reported that Riyad Mahrez’s request to leave Leicester City in the summer transfer window has given Barcelona a major boost of the player as the Algerian winger prefers a switch to Camp Nou. If 2015/16 was a campaign full of unexpected surprises for Leicester City, 2016/17 became a leveller for the shock Premier League champions. The Foxes flirted with relegation for large parts of the campaign before a late flourish saw them finish 12th – an end result that still made theirs the worst title defence in Premier League history. In particular, Mahrez’s form mirrored that of Leicester’s, as he started the season in underwhelming fashion before showing glimpses of the player who was adjudged the Premier League and PFA’s Player of the Season. The Algerian finished the campaign with just 10 goals and 7 ass...
Brazil cemetery loses bones of World Cup winner Garrincha
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The Brazilian cemetery where twice World Cup winner Garrincha was buried in 1983 has lost the player's bones, family and officials in his home town said on Wednesday. Garrincha, who was nicknamed 'the Joy of the People' for his brilliant performances on the right wing, won World Cups in 1958 and 1962 alongside players such as Pele and Mario Zagallo. He died in 1983 after a long battle with alcoholism and was buried in his home town cemetery in Mage, around 40 miles from Rio de Janeiro. News reports on Wednesday said his remains had been exhumed and there was no record of what happened to them. "From our research, we're not sure he's still buried," a cemetery official told Rio’s Extra newspaper. "We have information that the body was exhumed and taken to a niche but there is no documentation about the exhumation." Brazilian cemeteries are usually split into two sections, with tombs where bodies are buried and walls with drawer-like ...